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SWI 12, Dezember 2017, Seite 654

Die Anti-Fragmentierungs-Regel des BEPS-Aktionspunktes 7 und ihre mögliche Auswirkung für die Substanzbeurteilung von internationalen Holdingstrukturen

The Anti-Fragmentation Rule of BEPS Action 7 and Its Possible Effects on the Substance Assessment of International Holding Structures

Josef Schuch

Despite a tendency in business to a fragmentation of holding entities and a progressing use of more than one holding entity as a means to hold a variety of assets, as opposed to one single holding entity holding all the assets, tax rules typically look at each holding entity separately in order to test substance requirements allowing a holding to benefit from lower or no withholding taxes. The opposite rationale is being put forward by OECD BEPS Action 7: Effectively also about substance, the anti-fragmentation rules proposed are designed to “consolidate” all activities of connected enterprises that are part of a cohesive business operation in order to test the existence (substance) of a PE. Should such anti-fragmentation rationale take effect, it should be applied consistently in international tax law. Holding entities should be the main beneficiaries of a consistent approach, at least as long as they are controlled by the same persons.

I. Die Substanzerfordernisse bei internationalen Holdingstrukturen

1. Mehrgliedrigkeit und dezentrale Unternehmensstrukturen als außersteuerliche Trendmerkmale

Claus Staringer hat sich im Rahmen des breiten Spektrums seiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten...

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