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SWI 12, Dezember 2023, Seite 643

KESt-Erstattung an ausländische Corporate Funds – EuGH-Vorlage zur Frage der Beschränkung der Kapitalverkehrsfreiheit

Withholding Tax Refund to Foreign Corporate Funds – ECJ Procedure for Preliminary Rulings Regarding Restrictions on the Free Movement of Capital

Stefan Haslinger und Philipp Rümmele

The Austrian Administrative Court (VwGH) already ruled that the application of Section 188 InvFG 2011 as amended before the AIFMG to foreign corporations could constitute a restriction on the free movement of capital. The ECJ must now answer whether this also applies to a third-country corporate fund that is materially equivalent to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS; German: OGAW): According to the Administrative Court, it is possible that such a fund does not have to be compared with a domestic corporation, but with a domestic UCITS – the result being that there is no longer any unequal tax treatment based on the location of the domestic or foreign UCITS. Refusing the withholding tax refund in accordance with Section 21 para 1 no 1a Corporate Income Tax Act would then be in accordance with EU law.

I. Ausgangsverfahren

Eine in den USA ansässige und körperschaftlich organisierte Investmentgesellschaft hatte die Rückerstattung der 15%igen Quellensteuer auf Dividenden aus Portfoliobeteiligungen an zwei österreichischen Aktiengesellschaften für das Jahr 2013 beantragt. Gestützt wurde dieser Antrag auf § 21 Abs 1 Z 1a KStG, welcher aufgrund der Kapitalverkehrsfreiheit – entgegen ...

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