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SWI 12, Dezember 2013, Seite 514

Verfassungsrechtliche Schranken der Differenzierung zwischen Anrechnungs- und Freistellungsmethode in einem DBA?

Constitutional Restraints on differentiating between the Credit Method and the Exemption Method in a DTC?

Franz Sutter

Under a resolution of October 24, 2013, A 2013/0010, the Supreme Administrative Court submitted a request to determine the unconstitutionality of Art. 14 tax treaty with Liechtenstein because the exemption method is provided for in the case of revenues from independent personal services – in contrast to business profits for which Art. 7 of the DTC is applied. The Constitutional Court will now have to clarify if it applies the rulings developed in the Austrian Income Tax Act concerning the fuzzy lines between independent personal services and business services to the tax treaties as well. If this is decided in the affirmative, the avoidance of unobjective domestic differentiations in DTC would have to be taken into consideration in cases where there are deviations (in particular unilaterally for Austria) to the OECD standard in a DTC.

I. Überblick

Mit Beschluss vom , A 2013/0010, hat der VwGH einen Antrag auf Feststellung der Verfassungswidrigkeit des Art. 14 DBA Liechtenstein gestellt, weil für Einkünfte aus selbständiger Arbeit – im Gegensatz zu Unternehmenseinkünften nach Art. 7 DBA Liechtenstein – die Freistellungsmethode vorgesehen ist. Der VfGH wird nun zu klären haben, ob er seine zum EStG entwickelte Rechtsprechung zu den zerron...

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